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Our campaign GMO 2.0 raises public awareness, generates political urgency around regulations, and builds global opposition to the release of gene edited microbes. Click here to watch the short film, find out more, and take real action on GMO 2.0.




FROM 幸运澳洲⑤开奖结果预测,现场实时开奖号码查询-官网直播澳洲幸运5,8,10&幸运168飞艇体彩开奖结果

Our campaign GMO2.0 raises public awareness, generates political urgency around regulations, and builds global opposition to the release of gene edited microbes. Click here to watch the short film, find out more, and take real action to GMO2.0. to find out more and watch the short film.

Join our communities

Within IRT’s GMO-Free Community, you’ll discover learning modules, guides, videos, and resources to support your path towards a GMO-free lifestyle. We invite you to uncover the profound impact of GMOs on your health and the risks posed by GMO 2.0 to our planet’s microbiome.
The Self-Care Advocate Community is an online community stewarded by IRT where individuals passionate about living a GMO-free lifestyle come together to share knowledge, support, and empower each other in their journey to living a GMO-free lifestyle.
Join IRT’s Healthcare Practitioner Community and become part of a thriving community of healthcare practitioners committed to safeguarding the microbiome. Discover the power within you to make informed choices about GMOs and GMO 2.0, and take action towards a better future for yourself, your patients, and the planet.


Gene editing is cheap, easy, prone to side effects, poorly regulated and can permanently alter nature’s gene pool-a recipe for disaster.
This groundbreaking work by director Jeffrey Smith exposes the shocking and potentially world-altering effects of genetic engineering microbes.
This powerful, award-winning film by Jeffrey Smith and Amy Hart shares remarkable stories of people who regain their health after discovering the secret ingredients in their food and making a bold commitment to avoid them.
Never-Before-Seen-Evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the US population, especially among children.

GMO News

GMO News

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